It is with enthusiasm and passion that I tout the expertise of a solid and buoyant human being! Kaig’s commitment to education and access is unmatched and our world is better for it.
~ Della Rae
Self-Agency Advocate & Author

The mission

Quantum Gender redefines the way that your company or sports organization thinks about gender. I transform the culture into one that embraces people of all gender identities and expressions. But this goes beyond just checking the diversity box of inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees or coaches. I go deeper into the issues of sexism, privilege, and patriarchy.

My extensive experience as a licensed soccer coach for nearly 30 years, Founding Executive Director of Portland Community Football Club and lived experience as a transgender person has made me uniquely qualified to address the toughest issues around gender inclusivity, homophobia, and transphobia in the sports industry.

Everyone has a gender identity. Quantum Gender is here to make sure your organization or business excels at being inclusive of all genders.


What I offer

Nothing I provide is off-the-shelf, cookie-cutter solutions. I recognize that every company and organization has a unique culture and way of doing business. So I take the time to get to know your priorities and needs and offer customized services based on those needs. Below you will find examples of the topics of which I can educate your employees, board members, staff, coaches and stakeholders.

Trainings & Workshops

contact me to discuss more details about workshop details and how i can best serve your needs.

  • LGBTQ+ Inclusivity 101 - 301 Series

  • Understanding Gender Identity

  • Implicit Bias and Intersectionality

  • Building Empathy

  • Homophobia and Sexism